Invest in the Natural Pesticide Disrupting a $17B Market

The Global Biopesticides Market is projected to 3X by 20301. Our cleaner, greener pesticide alternative, Nature-Cide, is already headed to 41 new markets. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of our expansion as a Med-X shareholder.



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NASDAQ Here We Come. Meet MXRX.

We are prepared, positioned and planning to do a direct listing on the Nasdaq under the reserved ticker symbol "MXRX"

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Fighting Pests Without Chemicals

Pests like mosquitos and ticks spread diseases while other pests threaten our food supply. But the chemicals used to control them can cause cancer and other diseases. Simply put, there's an urgent need for safer and more effective alternatives to controlling pests.

700,000 deaths per year

Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests cause 700,000 deaths per year.2

Cancer & chronic diseases

Pesticide exposure is linked to cancer & chronic diseases.3

Between 20 and 40%

Of total global crop production is lost to pest infestations.4


Meet Nature-Cide: The Better Pest Control

More than addressing just one issue with a “green” product, we’ve developed and refined a portfolio of proprietary natural plant-based products. Third-party studies prove our flagship Nature-Cide products outperform chemical-based mosquito control products.


200% Revenue Growth In 5 Years

The market is demanding our green solutions. We’ve consistently grown revenue year-over-year, from $647K in 2018 to $1.89M in 2023, 200% in total5. Our success is further bolstered by strategic partnerships across the value chain, including collaborations with key wholesale distributors.


Our Global Vision Is a $17.6B Opportunity

We’ve secured an exclusive agreements with Target Specialty Products, Ensystex and Preserve to introduce the Nature-Cide product line into 41 new markets, including but not limited to:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Southeast Asia
  • Caribbean Islands
  • Africa
  • Mexico
  • And more

The global pesticide market is expected to grow ~3X by 2030, from $5.8 billion in 2022 to an impressive $17.6 billion by 2030. We expect pesticide bans and other regulatory actions around the world to fuel our vision of Nature-Cide as the world’s leading “clean” pest control product.

  • Direct Listing to the Nasdaq
  • Export to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.
  • Acquire multiple profitable Nature-Cide product suppliers.
  • Export to all of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.
  • Acquire like-minded businesses in the wellness and pest control industries that have similar distribution relationships as us.
  • Export to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Middle East, and Africa.
  • Start the Registration process in the EU.
  • Expand the service division through M&A and become a “Top 100 Pest Control Company” in the US.

Our Roadmap for Growth

Once we list and get access to growth capital, management plans to launch its M&A strategy to bolster capitalization after the public market listing process6.


Experienced Leadership Team

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Operations Professional, Oversaw over $200M Revenue Book in Prior Role.

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Clinical Investigator for Big Pharma and Family Physician for more than 24 years.

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Finance Professional with Over 35 Years of Public Company Experience.

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E-Commerce Professional with Significant Experience Scaling Companies.

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Project Management and Human
Resources Professional.

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Internal and Osteopathic Medicine.

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Neurologist and Scientist.

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Financial and Investment
Banking Specialist

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Scientist and Mathematician.

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Why invest in startups?

Regulation CF allows investors to invest in startups and early-growth companies. This is different from helping a company raise money on Kickstarter; with Regulation CF Offerings, you aren’t buying products or merchandise - you are buying a piece of a company and helping it grow.

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How much can I invest?

Accredited investors can invest as much as they want. But if you are NOT an accredited investor, your investment limit depends on either your annual income or net worth, whichever is greater. If the number is less than $124,000, you can only invest 5% of it. If both are greater than $124,000 then your investment limit is 10%.

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How do I calculate my net worth?

To calculate your net worth, just add up all of your assets and subtract all of your liabilities (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence). The resulting sum is your net worth.

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What are the tax implications of an equity crowdfunding investment?

We cannot give tax advice, and we encourage you to talk with your accountant or tax advisor before making an investment.

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Who can invest in a Regulation CF Offering?

Individuals over 18 years of age can invest.

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What do I need to know about early-stage investing? Are these investments risky?

There will always be some risk involved when investing in a startup or small business. And the earlier you get in the more risk that is usually present. If a young company goes out of business, your ownership interest could lose all value. You may have limited voting power to direct the company due to dilution over time. You may also have to wait about five to seven years (if ever) for an exit via acquisition, IPO, etc. Because early-stage companies are still in the process of perfecting their products, services, and business model, nothing is guaranteed. That’s why startups should only be part of a more balanced, overall investment portfolio.

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When will I get my investment back?

The Common Stock (the "Shares") of Med-X (the "Company") are not publicly-traded. As a result, the shares cannot be easily traded or sold. As an investor in a private company, you typically look to receive a return on your investment under the following scenarios: The Company gets acquired by another company. The Company goes public (makes an initial public offering). In those instances, you receive your pro-rata share of the distributions that occur, in the case of acquisition, or you can sell your shares on an exchange. These are both considered long-term exits, taking approximately 5-10 years (and often longer) to see the possibility for an exit. It can sometimes take years to build companies. Sometimes there will not be any return, as a result of business failure.

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Can I sell my shares?

Shares sold via Regulation Crowdfunding offerings have a one-year lockup period before those shares can be sold under certain conditions.

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Exceptions to limitations on selling shares during the one-year lockup period:

In the event of death, divorce, or similar circumstance, shares can be transferred to:

       •        The company that issued the securities

       •        An accredited investor

       •        A family member (child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse or equivalent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law, including adoptive relationships)

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What happens if a company does not reach their funding target?

If a company does not reach their minimum funding target, all funds will be returned to the investors after the close of the offering.

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How can I learn more about a company's offering?

All available disclosure information can be found on the offering pages for our Regulation Crowdfunding offering.

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What if I change my mind about investing?

You can cancel your investment at any time, for any reason, until 48 hours prior to a closing occurring. If you’ve already funded your investment and your funds are in escrow, your funds will be promptly refunded to you upon cancellation. To submit a request to cancel your investment please email:

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How do I keep up with how the company is doing?

At a minimum, the company will be filing with the SEC and posting on its website an annual report, along with certified financial statements. Those should be available 120 days after the fiscal year end. If the company meets a reporting exception, or eventually has to file more reported information to the SEC, the reporting described above may end. If these reports end, you may not continually have current financial information about the company.

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